Andrew Delios
Professor and Fellow of the Academy of International Business
Andrew Delios is a Professor in the Department of Strategy & Policy, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. He became a Fellow of the Academy of International Business in 2013. Andrew is an author or co-author of more than 80 published journal articles, case studies and book chapters, as well as an author of six books. He served as an Associate Editor and General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies for seven years. He has also been the editor-in-chief for the Asia Pacific Journal of Management and an area editor at the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. From 2011-2013, Andrew served as the President of the Asia Academy of Management. He was an owner and director in Belgarath Investments Limited, a company that is engaged in international franchising both as a franchisee and franchisor, with such brands as Chili`s, Subway and Sarpino`s Pizza.